plique-à-jour (főnév), üvegfestési technika (főnév)
a decorative technique used in various crafts, including jewelry and enamel work, where a metal framework is filled with clear material, such as enamel or glass, allowing light to pass through and creating a stained glass-like effect
What is "plique-à-jour"?
Plique-à-jour is a technique involving melting enamel, a type of glass powder, to create a stained-glass effect within metal frameworks. In this method, transparent or semi-transparent enamel is poured between metal sections or cells, which are left open to let light pass through. When fired in a kiln, a special oven used for heating ceramics and glass, the enamel becomes glass-like, and the light shines through the gaps, creating a bright and colorful effect similar to stained glass. This technique is often used in jewelry and decorative items to produce vibrant, see-through designs.

Közeli Szavak