not be a stranger
used to ask a departing person to keep visiting or communicating with one
What is the origin of the idiom "do not be a stranger" and when to use it?
The phrase "do not be a stranger" is an idiomatic way of telling someone not to become distant or disconnected, especially in the context of maintaining a relationship or friendship. It is used to encourage continued contact and interaction, often after a period of separation or reduced communication. The phrase does not have a specific historical origin but is rooted in the idea of encouraging social or personal closeness.
It's been a while since we last met; please do n't be a stranger – let's catch up soon.
After moving to a different city, she told her old friends, ' Do n't be strangers; stay in touch.
He's been so busy with work, but he reminded his family to not be strangers and visit him more often.