to take it easy
to try to be calm and relaxed and possibly rest
You've been working really hard lately; it's time to take it easy for a while.
On vacation, our main goal is to relax and take it easy by the beach.
take it easy
Lazíts egy kicsit!, Vigyázz magadra!
used to tell someone to take care of themselves when saying goodbye to each other
What is the origin of the idiom "take it easy" and when to use it?
The idiom "take it easy" likely originated and developed as an extension of its more general usage, which encourages someone to relax, avoid stress, and take care of themselves. It is often used in a conversational and light-hearted manner when saying goodbye.
I've got to head out now.
Most el kell indulnom. Lazíts egy kicsit, és hamarosan találkozunk.
It was great seeing you.
Jó volt találkozni veled. Lazíts egy kicsit, és ne dolgozz túl sokat.