to stun
megdöbbent, meglep
to surprise or shock someone, often by something unexpected, leaving them temporarily unable to react
Transitive: to stun sb
The unexpected news of her promotion stunned her into silence.
The magician 's impressive trick stunned the audience.
The sudden appearance of a deer on the road stunned the driver, causing him to swerve.
sokkot okoz, megöl
to temporarily render an animal or person unconscious or immobile, often by hitting them on the head or using an electrical shock
Transitive: to stun sb/sth
The boxer was stunned by a powerful blow to the head.
The loud noise of the explosion stunned the crowd at the concert.
The hunter used a tranquilizer dart to stun the deer before safely relocating it.
megdöbbent, lenyűgöz
to amaze or impress someone, usually with something spectacular, beautiful, or impressive
Transitive: to stun sb
Her breathtaking dress at the gala stunned everyone in attendance.
His eloquent speech on climate change stunned the panel of judges.
The beauty of the sunset over the ocean stunned the tourists.