to slot
betenni, elhelyezni
to fit or place something into a specific position or space
Transitive: to slot sth somewhere
The mechanic slotted the new battery into place in the engine compartment.
The carpenter slotted the wooden panels into the framework to build the bookshelf.
To organize the papers, she slotted them neatly into the file folders.
beütemez, meghatároz
to fit or allocate a specific time or position for an activity, event, or individual
Transitive: to slot an activity or event point in time
She slotted the dentist appointment for Thursday afternoon, right after her work shift.
The airline slotted the flight departure for 8:00 a.m. to allow passengers ample time for check-in.
The manager decided to slot the meeting between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. to accommodate everyone 's availability.
hely, pozíció
a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable
rés, slot
a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail)
játékautomata, nyerőgép
a slot machine that is used for gambling
slot, nyílás
a physical socket or opening in a computer or electronic device where a circuit board or other component can be inserted
nyom, lábnyom
the trail of an animal (especially a deer)
beosztás, pozíció
a position in a hierarchy or organization
időslot, időkeret
a time assigned on a schedule or agenda
The mechanic slotted the new battery into place in the engine compartment.
The carpenter slotted the wooden panels into the framework to build the bookshelf.
To organize the papers, she slotted them neatly into the file folders.
The student carefully slotted each book into its designated spot on the shelf.
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