to run out
[phrase form: run]
elfogyni, kimerülni
(of a supply) to be completely used up
The printer ink ran out, so I ca n’t print these documents.
The gas in my car ran out, so I had to walk to the nearest station.
The battery in my remote control ran out, and now I ca n’t change the channel.
elfogy, kimerül
to use the available supply of something, leaving too little or none
Transitive: to run out of sth
The restaurant unexpectedly ran out of the popular dish.
The small town could run out of medical supplies if not restocked.
The store ran out of hand sanitizer during the pandemic.
kiürül, elfolyik
(of a liquid or substance) to slowly drain away
The creek slowly ran out, leaving behind a dry, rocky bed during the drought.
She watched as the sand in the hourglass ran out, indicating the end of their allotted time.
The river's water level started to rise as the snow in the mountains began to run out.
lejár, hatályát veszti
(of a document or agreement) to not be valid anymore
Their membership card ran out, meaning they could no longer access the exclusive club.
The lease on the apartment will run out at the end of the month, so we need to start looking for a new place.
The contract with the supplier ran out last week, and negotiations for a new agreement are underway.
kimerül, elfárad
to exhaust one's physical or mental energy, reaching a point where one can no longer continue
Transitive: to run out oneself
Do n't run yourself out by doing too much in one day.
The worker ran out near the end of the overtime shift.
The dancer ran out during the intense performance.
elfogy, kimerít
to finish the available supply of something
Transitive: to run out a supply or resource
The team ran out their energy, giving their all in the final minutes of the game.
They ran out their resources, utilizing all available means to complete the project.
He ran out his luck, experiencing a string of unfortunate events.
kiömlik, túlcsordul
(of a substance) to spill out of a container or confined space
The sink overflowed, and water ran out, flooding the kitchen.
The container had a leak, and the liquid ran out, staining the table.
The package was damaged, and the contents ran out, scattering on the floor.
kihúz, kibővít
to stretch a piece of material or clothing to its maximum length or capacity
Transitive: to run out a stand or band
She ran out the rope to its maximum length to secure the tent in place.
He ran out the string of lights across the patio for a festive ambiance.
He ran out the measuring tape to accurately determine the dimensions of the room.
Run out
ütésből kijátszott, kijátszás
(cricket) a batsman being dismissed when when the ball hits the stumps before they reach the crease while running
What is a "run out"?
A run out in cricket occurs when a batter is out because the fielding team successfully hits the stumps with the ball while the batter is attempting to take a run. This can happen if the batter is not back in their crease before the stumps are broken by a throw or direct hit from a fielder. Run outs usually happen when there is a miscommunication between the batters or when one of them is slow to reach the crease. It is one of the ways a batter can be dismissed in the game.
The batsman was run out trying to steal a quick single.
The fielder 's accurate throw led to a run out.
A brilliant piece of fielding resulted in a run out.

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