The spider's web, woven with gossamer threads, shimmered in the morning dew, creating a delicate and intricate pattern.
Her gown, crafted from gossamer silk, flowed gracefully as she glided across the dance floor.
बुनी हुई, खुशहाल
characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy
वैकल्पिक वस्त्र, सूक्ष्म ताना
extremely soft, delicate, light, or flimsy material or substance
जाले, स्पाइडर का रेशमी जाला
the fine, delicate strands of silk that form a spider's web, known for their ethereal and wispy nature
What is "gossamer"?
Gossamer refers to the delicate, ethereal filaments that form a web spun by a spider, characterized by their fine and lightweight nature, often shimmering in the sunlight and appearing as intricate and intricate threads that float in the air. These gossamer strands, meticulously crafted by spiders, serve various purposes such as trapping prey or providing a means of transportation for the spiders themselves.

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