चार्टरेज़, चार्ट्रूज़
What is "chartreuse"?
Chartreuse is a type of liqueur that is made from a blend of herbs and botanicals, including anise, fennel, and various types of flowers and roots. It is produced by the Carthusian monks in France, who have been making Chartreuse since the 18th century. The liqueur is available in two varieties: green Chartreuse, which is known for its bright green color and complex flavor profile, and yellow Chartreuse, which is slightly sweeter and has a milder flavor. Chartreuse is often consumed as a digestif, and is also used as a flavoring agent in cocktails such as the Last Word and the Bijou. It is a strong and potent liqueur that is best consumed in moderation. Chartreuse is known for its unique and complex flavor profile, which includes notes of anise, fennel, and various floral and herbal flavors. It is a popular and beloved liqueur that is often associated with tradition and history.
चार्टरेज़ (noun), पीला-हरी (noun)
चार्ट्रूज, चमकीले हरे-पीले शेड का