ईटों का काम, ईंट की मिस्त्री
the construction or arrangement of bricks in a structure, typically using mortar as a binding agent, to create walls, partitions, or other elements of a building
What is "brickwork"?
Brickwork is the process of constructing structures using bricks, which are small, rectangular blocks made from clay, concrete, or other materials. This technique involves laying bricks in a specific pattern, usually with mortar, to create walls, arches, or other architectural features. Brickwork is valued for its strength, durability, and thermal properties, providing excellent insulation and fire resistance. It can be used in both residential and commercial buildings, often contributing to a structure's aesthetic appeal through various colors, textures, and bonding patterns. Proper brickwork is essential for ensuring the stability and longevity of a building.
The builder pointed the brickwork of the chimney with precision.
The harmonious design of the new library incorporates sleek glass facades with classic brickwork.
The masons pointed the brickwork using a mortar mix that matched the color of the bricks.
The row houses along Main Street date back to the early 19th century and showcase intricate brickwork.
The construction workers removed the old plaster to expose the original brickwork of the historic building.