Lane splitting
लेन स्प्लिटिंग, लेन के बीच चलना
the practice of a motorcycle riding between lanes of traffic moving in the same direction
What is "lane splitting"?
Lane splitting is a technique used by motorcyclists where they ride between two lanes of traffic, usually in slow-moving or stopped traffic. This allows the motorcyclist to move ahead of the vehicles, avoiding delays and reducing the time spent in traffic. It is often done in areas with heavy traffic, but it is not allowed everywhere and may be illegal in some places. Lane splitting can help motorcyclists avoid being stuck in traffic, but it requires careful attention to the surrounding vehicles to ensure safety.
In some countries, lane splitting is legal, allowing motorcycles to move through slow or stopped traffic.
Lane splitting can help reduce traffic congestion by freeing up space on crowded roads.
Many motorcyclists believe that lane splitting is safer than sitting in traffic because it reduces the risk of rear-end collisions.

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