स्पीड-बॉल, तेज गेंद
a fast-paced game that combines elements of handball, soccer, and basketball
What is "speed-ball"?
Speedball is a fast-paced team sport that combines elements of soccer, basketball, and handball. It is played on a rectangular field with two teams, each aiming to score points by getting a ball into the opponent's goal. Players can use their feet to kick the ball or their hands to pass and shoot it. The game is played in a way that allows both kicking and throwing, and the ball can be caught and carried for short distances. Speedball emphasizes quick movement, teamwork, and strategy, with the team scoring the most points winning at the end of the game.
The new speed-ball court was the most popular spot in the recreation center.
She scored the winning goal in the final seconds of the speed-ball match.
During gym class, the students enjoyed a competitive game of speed-ball.

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