Information processing theory

Information processing theory
सूचना प्रसंस्करण सिद्धांत, जानकारी प्रसंस्करण सिद्धांत
a cognitive theory that focuses on how information is encoded, stored, and retrieved in the human mind
What is "information processing theory"?
Information processing theory compares the brain to a computer, focusing on how we encode, store, and retrieve information. It explores how learners process and organize incoming information, make connections to existing knowledge, and solve problems. The theory emphasizes that learning occurs through the acquisition and manipulation of information, and effective teaching helps learners process and retain knowledge efficiently.
Information processing theory posits that the human mind processes information much like a computer, involving stages such as encoding, storage, and retrieval.
According to information processing theory, cognitive processes such as attention, perception, and memory play crucial roles in how information is processed.
Researchers in information processing theory investigate how individuals acquire, interpret, and use information to make decisions and solve problems.