(as) clean as a (new) pin
kept in a very clean condition
What is the origin of the idiom "clean as a pin" and when to use it?
The idiom "clean as a pin" originated from the concept of cleanliness and tidiness. It refers to something that is immaculately clean, neat, or well-organized, similar to the appearance of a perfectly maintained pin. The phrase is now used to signify a high level of cleanliness or orderliness and is often used to describe a space, object, or person that is free from dirt, clutter, or any signs of mess or disarray.
After the thorough spring cleaning, the house was as clean as a new pin, with every surface gleaming and organized.
The mechanic ensured that the engine was clean as a pin before putting it back together.
She always keeps her desk clean as a new pin, with papers neatly filed and everything in its proper place.

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