carte, carton
carte, carnet
What is a "card"?
A card is one of the 52 individual pieces in a standard deck of playing cards. Each card has two main features: a suit and a rank. The four suits are hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades, and each suit has 13 ranks, including numbers 2 through 10, along with a jack, queen, king, and ace. Cards are used in a variety of card games, with each game having different rules for how the cards are played and valued. Depending on the game, a card’s rank and its suit determine how it interacts with other cards during play.
carte, carte d'extension
affiche, panneau publicitaire
carte de visite, carte de vœux
carte, menu
un farceur, un comique
la feuille de match, la carte de frappeurs
What is a "card"?
A card, in baseball or softball, is a list that shows the order in which the players will bat during the game. It is sometimes called a lineup card and is filled out by the coach before the game begins. The card lists each player's name along with their position in the batting order, ensuring that everyone knows when it is their turn to bat. The batting order is important for strategy, as it helps determine which players will face certain pitchers at different points in the game.
carte, fiche
carte, carton
contrôler l'identité, demander une pièce d'identité
carder, déconcerter