Toe loop jump
saut de boucle de pied, saut de boucle de champignon
a figure skating jump where the skater takes off from the back inside edge of one foot, rotates in the air, and lands on the same foot
What is a "toe loop jump"?
A toe loop jump in figure skating is a jump that begins with the skater skating backward on one foot, then using the toe pick of the opposite skate to push off the ice. The skater rotates in the air while completing one or more full spins before landing on the same foot they jumped from. This jump is one of the basic single jumps in figure skating and is often included in routines as part of a sequence or combination. It requires good timing, strength, and control to execute the jump smoothly and land safely. The toe loop is known for its clean takeoff and precise landing.
She executed a flawless toe loop jump during her performance.
Learning the toe loop jump requires precise timing and technique.
His toe loop jump was the highlight of his routine.