to ease up on
[phrase form: ease]
relâcher sur, être plus compréhensif envers
to soften one's approach by becoming more understanding
The teacher decided to ease up on the students during the challenging exam week.
Recognizing the employee 's efforts, the boss chose to ease up on the workload.
Parents often need to ease up on their children, allowing room for mistakes and growth.
relâcher sur, diminuer la pression sur
to reduce the force applied to a particular thing
The instructor advised the student to ease up on the accelerator, emphasizing the importance of a smoother driving experience.
Frustrated with the difficult chord, the music teacher encouraged the student to ease up on the strings to produce a cleaner sound.
réduire la consommation de, modérer l'utilisation de
to do or consume less of a particular thing
Concerned about caffeine intake, the doctor advised the patient to ease up on coffee consumption to improve sleep quality.
Feeling overwhelmed, the individual decided to ease up on social media, opting for more offline activities to reduce screen time.
In an effort to save money, the couple agreed to ease up on unnecessary expenditures, opting for a more frugal lifestyle.