Scientific calculator

Scientific calculator
siyentipik na calculator, calculator pang-agham
a specialized calculator designed for solving complex mathematical and scientific equations, commonly used by students, engineers, and scientists
What is a "scientific calculator"?
A scientific calculator is a type of calculator designed to perform more advanced mathematical functions than a basic calculator. In addition to simple operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, it can handle functions like square roots, trigonometry, logarithms, and powers. Scientific calculators are often used by students, scientists, engineers, and mathematicians for solving complex problems in fields like physics, chemistry, and mathematics. They typically have more buttons and features compared to standard calculators, allowing for a wide range of calculations.
During the physics exam, she relied on her scientific calculator to solve equations involving complex formulas.
The engineer used a scientific calculator to perform calculations for structural analysis and design.
He programmed his scientific calculator with custom functions to streamline repetitive calculations in his research.

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