lagpasan, gupitin
the act of cutting small amounts of hair to maintain or shape its length, usually to remove split ends
pagtanggal, pagbawas
the process of cutting off the rough edges of a book to make it neat and uniform in size
What is "trimming"?
Trimming refers to the process of cutting the edges of a book or document to achieve a uniform size and remove any excess or uneven paper. This is typically done after the book has been bound to ensure that all pages are even and neat. Trimming also helps to improve the overall appearance of the book and can be done on the top, bottom, and fore edges. In printing, trimming is essential for creating a polished, professional finish and ensuring that the final product meets the required dimensions.
palamuti, dekorasyon
the act of adding decoration
palamuti, dekorasyon
a decoration or adornment on a garment

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