بهترتیب زمان وقوع
in the order in which events, actions, or items occurred, following a timeline or sequence
The events in the history book are presented chronologically.
رویدادهای کتاب تاریخ به ترتیب زمانی ارائه شدهاند.
Please list the tasks chronologically to ensure proper prioritization.
لطفاً وظایف را به ترتیب زمانی، از نظر زمان، فهرست کنید تا اولویتبندی مناسب تضمین شود.
به لحاظ زمانی, از نظر زمانی
in relation to the passage of time, often comparing physical or conceptual changes
Although the student had only spent a year in the program, chronologically, they had mastered the entire curriculum.
The two brothers were born a year apart, but chronologically, one seemed far older than the other.

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