Bully beef
*گوشت گاو کنسروشده
canned or preserved meat, typically beef, often used in military rations
What is "bully beef"?
Bully beef, also known as "canned corned beef," is a type of canned meat product made from finely minced or shredded beef that has been cured and cooked in a manner similar to traditional corned beef. It is often preserved with added salt and can be stored for long periods without refrigeration, making it a convenient food option. Bully beef has a savory, salty flavor and a soft, spreadable texture, making it suitable for use in sandwiches, stews, casseroles, and other dishes. It has been a staple food item for military rations and emergency supplies due to its long shelf life and high nutritional value.
He opened a can of bully beef to make a quick sandwich for his lunch.
I used slices of bully beef as a topping for my homemade pizza.