رهبر ارکستر, نوازندهٔ اول ویولن
the principal musician, typically the lead violinist, in an orchestra who is responsible for leading their section, tuning the group, and acting as a link between the conductor and musicians
Who is a "concertmaster"?
A concertmaster is the principal musician in an orchestra, often the lead violinist, but not exclusively so. This role involves leading their section, tuning the orchestra, and serving as a key link between the conductor and the other musicians. The concertmaster may also perform any solo passages and help interpret the conductor's directions. While the position is commonly filled by a lead violinist, it can be occupied by a principal player from another section. For example, a violist can be a concertmaster in a chamber orchestra or a concert band where the role of concertmaster might be filled by a principal clarinetist.

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