to go off on a tangent
(از بحث اصلی) به حاشیه رفتن
to begin talking about a subject that is not in any way related to the original topic that is being discussed
What is the origin of the idiom "go off on a tangent" and when to use it?
The idiom "go off on a tangent" likely originates from the geometric concept of a tangent line, which touches a curve at a single point without intersecting it further. It is used to emphasize the idea that the person has deviated from the main topic and is now exploring a related or unrelated idea or subject.
During the meeting, the manager went off on a tangent and started talking about unrelated projects, which confused everyone.
While discussing the book's central theme, she went off on a tangent about the author's background and other unrelated topics.
The speaker was supposed to discuss the company's growth strategy, but he went off on a tangent about his personal experiences, leaving the audience perplexed.
She went off on a tangent about what happened to her last summer.

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