to throw out
[phrase form: throw]
بیرون انداختن, دور انداختن
to get rid of something that is no longer needed
Transitive: to throw out sth
Do n't forget to throw the trash out before you leave.
Do n't throw out the receipt, we might need it later.
Please throw out that old chair, it's broken.
اخراج کردن, بیرون انداختن
to evict someone from a place
Transitive: to throw out sb
The landlord decided to throw the unruly tenants out.
They were thrown out of the bar for causing a disturbance.
The disruptive behavior led to them being thrown out of the event.
پیشنهاد کردن, ارائه دادن
to present an idea, suggestion, or proposal
Transitive: to throw out an idea or proposal
He threw out a proposal for a company-wide training program.
Let's throw these new features out for consideration in the next sprint.
I'll throw the marketing strategy out for your input.
رد کردن, انفاذ کردن
to reject a case or evidence from legal consideration
Transitive: to throw out a case or evidence
The judge decided to throw the evidence out due to its questionable authenticity.
They could n't proceed with the trial after the judge threw out the key witness's testimony.
The lawyer attempted to throw the case out based on lack of substantial evidence.
اخراج کردن, برکنار کردن
to dismiss someone from a role or position
Transitive: to throw out sb
They threw out the manager due to poor performance.
The company threw out the employee for violating company policies.
حواس پرتی کردن, غیرمتمرکز کردن
to divert someone's attention from the main subject or task at hand
Transitive: to throw out sb/sth
Unexpected technical issues can throw out a live broadcast.
The sudden interruption threw out the flow of the conversation.
The unexpected announcement threw everyone out in the audience.
به سرعت چیزی را طراحی کردن, چیزی را بدون برنامهریزی درست خلق کردن
to create something without thoughtful planning or organization
Transitive: to throw out sth
She decided to throw out a quick sketch for the art project.
The chef threw out a new recipe using leftover ingredients.
The team decided to throw out a preliminary plan for the project.