What is "probation"?
Probation is a court-ordered period during which a person found guilty of a crime is allowed to remain in the community instead of serving time in prison, under certain conditions. These conditions may include regular check-ins with a probation officer, attending counseling, maintaining employment, or avoiding further criminal activity. If the individual follows the rules, they may avoid jail time, but failure to comply with probation conditions can result in more serious penalties, including imprisonment. Probation is often used for less severe offenses or when the court believes the person can be rehabilitated outside of prison.
محکومیت آزمایشی, مدت آزمایشی
What is "probation"?
Probation is a period during which a person is allowed to continue in a position, school, or program, but under supervision and with certain conditions that must be met. It is typically used as a form of warning or second chance after the person has broken rules or failed to meet expectations. During probation, the individual’s behavior or performance is closely monitored, and if they do not improve or follow the conditions set, they may face further consequences, such as expulsion or termination. Probation is often used to encourage better behavior or performance in the future.
آزمایشی, مدت آزمون
word family