The city 's reservoir, nestled in the hills, stores water from nearby rivers and supplies it to thousands of homes.
Engineers constructed a massive reservoir by damming the river, creating a reliable water source for the region.
Fishermen enjoy the recreational opportunities provided by the reservoir, known for its abundant fish population.
embalse, reservorio
a large body of water created behind a dam, typically constructed to store freshwater, often referred to as a reservoir
The town relies on the reservoir for its drinking water supply during the dry season.
The engineers designed the dam to create a massive reservoir, ensuring a steady water source for irrigation.
Fishing in the reservoir has become a popular recreational activity for the local community.
a large container or storage tank used for collecting and holding water or other fluids
The municipality constructed a reservoir to store water for the city's growing population.
The reservoir's capacity allowed it to hold millions of gallons of water for use during dry seasons.
Engineers monitored the level of water in the reservoir to ensure it remained at optimal levels for distribution.
reservorio, reserva
a large or extra supply of something

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