Minor suit
palo menor, suit menor
(bridge) either the diamonds or clubs suits, which are considered weaker than the major suits (hearts and spades) because they have fewer high-ranking cards
What is a "minor suit"?
A minor suit in card games like bridge refers to one of the two weaker suits in the deck: clubs and diamonds. These suits are ranked lower than the major suits, hearts and spades, and are often less valuable in terms of points. In bridge, bidding a minor suit generally means the player has a hand with fewer high-ranking cards, and the goal is often to win fewer tricks than when bidding a major suit. Winning tricks in a minor suit usually earns fewer points than in a major suit.
The player decided to bid on a minor suit, hoping to win enough tricks despite the weaker hand.
In the first round, I had more clubs than any other suit, so I chose to bid the minor suit.
The partnership was able to win with a minor suit, though it required careful strategy.

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