to let something roll off one's back
to not allow negative things such as an unfair criticism, etc. to have any effect on one
What is the origin of the idiom "let something roll off one's back" and when to use it?
The phrase "let something roll off one's back" originated as an idiomatic expression in the English language. It suggests the ability to remain unaffected by criticism, insults, or negative comments, essentially having a thick skin and not allowing such remarks to cause distress or emotional harm. The phrase conjures the image of water rolling off a duck's back without causing any harm, emphasizing resilience and the ability to maintain composure in the face of adversity.
So I've tried to adapt, letting the comments roll off my back.
Despite the harsh critique of his artwork, he learned to let it roll off his back and continue pursuing his passion.
Sarah faced many challenges in her career, but she always let the criticism roll off her back and used it as motivation.

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