a European passerine of the crow family with bright plumage which is blue on the wings
What is a "jay"?
A jay is a striking and intelligent bird known for its vibrant blue feathers, contrasting with black and white markings. With their crested head and long tail, they have a distinct appearance. Jays are highly vocal, emitting various calls, including their loud and harsh screeches. They are skilled foragers, known to bury acorns and other food items for later consumption, contributing to forest regeneration. Jays are also adept mimics, capable of imitating the calls of different bird species and even some human sounds. Their diet consists of a mix of insects, seeds, nuts, and fruits. In woodlands and forests, jays are often seen hopping among branches and taking flight with a flash of their wings. Their bold and resourceful nature makes them a delightful presence in nature.