Good Samaritan
guter Samariter, hilfsbereite Person
a sympathetic person who tries to help those who are in trouble or in desperate need of help
What is the origin of the idiom "Good Samaritan" and when to use it?
The term "Good Samaritan" originates from the biblical story of the Good Samaritan found in the Gospel of Luke. This idiom is used to describe individuals who selflessly help others, especially in times of need. It is often used to acknowledge acts of kindness and compassion towards strangers.
A Good Samaritan stopped to help the stranded driver change a flat tire on the side of the road.
Ein guter Samariter stoppte, um dem gestrandeten Fahrer zu helfen, einen platten Reifen am Straßenrand zu wechseln.
He volunteered his time every weekend, serving meals at the community kitchen like a true Good Samaritan.
Er bot jedes Wochenende seine Zeit an und servierte Mahlzeiten in der Gemeinschaftsküche wie ein guter Samariter.

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