Foundation, Make-up
What is "foundation"?
The foundation refers to a cosmetic product that is applied to the face to create an even skin tone and provide coverage for blemishes, discoloration, or imperfections. It is typically available in various formulations, such as liquid, cream, or powder, and comes in different shades to match different skin tones. The foundation helps to create a smooth and uniform base for makeup application, providing a more polished and flawless appearance. It is often used to even out the complexion, enhance skin texture, and provide a natural-looking finish. Additionally, the foundation can also offer additional benefits such as sun protection, hydration, or oil control, depending on the specific formulation. It is a fundamental product for achieving a well-balanced and perfected makeup look.
Fundament, Basis
What is a "foundation"?
A foundation is the lower part of a building that provides support and stability, transferring the weight of the structure to the ground. It is typically made of concrete, masonry, or stone and is designed to prevent settling or shifting that could damage the building. Foundations come in various types, such as shallow foundations, which are placed close to the surface, and deep foundations, which extend deeper into the ground for added stability. The design and construction of a foundation are crucial for ensuring the safety and longevity of a building, as it serves as the base that holds everything above it.
Fundament, Basis
Stiftung, Einrichtung
Grundlage, Gründung
Mieder, Unterkleid
Grundlage, Fundament
Basis, Grundlagen