Dressing room
Umkleidekabine, Ankleidezimmer
a room in a clothing store where people can try on items of clothing before buying them
She tried on several outfits in the dressing room before finding the perfect one for the party.
The dressing room was equipped with full-length mirrors and comfortable seating.
The actress retreated to her dressing room to prepare for her stage performance.
Umkleideraum, Kostümraum
a room where actors can change costumes or prepare for their performance
Ankleidezimmer, Umkleide
a small room situated beside the bedroom of a large house, where people get dressed and store their clothes
Umkleidekabine, Umkleideraum
a room for athletes to change clothes and prepare for their competition or game
The gym 's dressing room was equipped with lockers and benches, making it convenient for members to change and store their belongings.
The football team gathered in the dressing room to discuss their strategy before the big match.
After the game, the players returned to the dressing room to change out of their uniforms and cool down.

Nahegelegene Wörter