Etagenbett, Stockbett
Futtertrog, Trog
Stockbett, Etagenbett
What is a "bunk"?
A bunk is a type of bed, typically stacked above or below another bed, commonly found in trains, ships, or other places where space is limited. Bunks are often used in sleeping areas with multiple people, such as shared compartments or cabins. They can be found in both private and shared spaces, providing passengers or travelers with a convenient way to sleep during long journeys. Bunks are typically simple in design and may come with basic bedding, offering a practical solution for resting while traveling.
Lagerbett, Feldbett
Quatsch, Unsinn
Unsinn, Quatsch
fliehen, ausreißen
mit einem Etagenbett ausstatten, ein Etagenbett bereitstellen
sich vor der Zahlung drücken, aus dem Bezahlen entwischen