Situationist international

Situationist international
Situacionistische Internationale
an anarchist and Marxist political and artistic movement that existed from 1957 to 1972 and aimed to transform culture through creative activity and the construction of situations
What is the "Situationist International"?
The Situationist International was a revolutionary movement that started in the 1950s in Europe, started by artists and thinkers like Guy Debord. The group aimed to challenge the economic system and the culture focused on buying and owning things by encouraging people to rethink their surroundings and everyday experiences. They used various forms of art and bold ideas to criticize social norms and city life. A key concept was the "dérive," or an unplanned journey through cities to see them in a new way. Their original approach has significantly influenced modern art and shaped how culture impacts various aspects of society.
situationist international