to punch above one's weight
to succeed or try to succeed in doing something that often demands more power, ability, money, etc. than one has
Singapore punches above its weight in the world economy.
The small-town mayor has been punching above her weight recently, going head-to-head with federal lawmakers over the issue of immigration reform.
Villa have punched above their weight all season and it will be a remarkable achievement if they finish fifth.
to be in a sexual or romantic relationship with someone who is perceived by others as one's superior in many different ways
What is the origin of the idiom "punch above one's weight" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "punch above one's weight" is unknown, but it is thought to have originated in the boxing ring. In boxing, a fighter who is shorter or lighter than his opponent is said to be "punching above his weight" if he is able to defeat his opponent. It can also be used to describe a romantic relationship in which one partner is perceived as being more attractive or successful than the other.
Despite being a regular guy, Mark is in a relationship with a famous actress.
Linda is dating Robert, who is incredibly handsome and charming.

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