the gloves are off
said to mean something is done without caring if someone gets offended or upset
What is the origin of the idiom "the gloves are off" and when to use it?
The idiom "the gloves are off" refers to a situation where restraint, politeness, or caution is abandoned, and a more aggressive or direct approach is adopted. It originates from the sport of boxing, where fighters traditionally wore gloves for protection. Removing the gloves signaled the intention to fight more fiercely. In everyday language, this idiomatic expression is used to indicate a more intense, no-holds-barred approach to a situation or conflict.
She gave a second interview later that year but this time the gloves were off.
In the negotiation, it was clear that the gloves were off, and both sides were ready for a tough battle.
The competition between the two companies became fierce, and it seemed like the gloves were off in the struggle for market dominance.

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