to profile
profilieren, charakterisieren
to provide a detailed description of someone or something
Transitive: to profile sb/sth
The magazine decided to profile the successful entrepreneur, delving into his journey and achievements.
The news outlet plans to profile the local charity organization, shedding light on its impactful community initiatives.
In the feature article, the author chose to profile a historic landmark, exploring its significance and architectural details.
profilieren, umreißen
to depict or represent the outline or distinctive features of something or someone from one side
Transitive: to profile outline of something
The photographer profiled the model against the city skyline.
The wildlife illustrator profiled the bird species in flight.
The artist profiled the mountain range against the sunset.
Profil, Silhouette
the side view or silhouette of a person's face or body, especially as it is seen in a photograph or when standing or sitting sideways
The artist captured her profile perfectly in the sketch.
The statue 's profile was striking against the evening sky.
He recognized her profile immediately from across the room.
Profil, Online-Profil
the personal details and other information that someone posts online on a social media platform
What is a "profile"?
A profile on a social media platform refers to the personal information and details that a user shares about themselves. It often includes a profile picture, a short description or bio, and other information like interests, hobbies, location, and contact details. Profiles help others understand who a person is and allow them to connect or interact with that person online. People can update their profiles with posts, photos, and other content to reflect their thoughts, activities, or experiences.
His profile includes his interests, hobbies, and recent activities.
She updated her profile with a new profile picture and bio.
The social media platform allows users to customize their profiles.
Profil, detaillierte Analyse
a graphical or detailed analysis showing the extent to which something exhibits different characteristics
The scientist presented a profile of the chemical compound 's properties.
The profile of the company 's financial health was displayed in a series of charts.
The marketing team created a customer profile to understand buying behaviors.
Profil, Schnitt
a vertical slice of the Earth's crust showing its different layers
The profile revealed distinct layers of sediment and rock.
The profile showed a rich layer of topsoil above the bedrock.
The excavation site provided a clear profile of the Earth 's strata.
Profil, Öffentlichkeitsgrad
the level of visibility or attention someone or something receives from the public
The celebrity 's profile increased after the release of her latest movie.
The company 's profile rose significantly after the successful product launch.
The charity 's profile was boosted by the high-profile fundraiser.
Profil, Beschreibung
a brief description of a person's life, achievements, and characteristics
The book includes profiles of influential historical figures.
The magazine featured a profile of the renowned scientist.
He read a profile of the entrepreneur in the business journal.
The magazine decided to profile the successful entrepreneur, delving into his journey and achievements.
The news outlet plans to profile the local charity organization, shedding light on its impactful community initiatives.
In the feature article, the author chose to profile a historic landmark, exploring its significance and architectural details.
The biographer aimed to profile the life of the renowned scientist, uncovering personal anecdotes and contributions to the field.
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