hackney, plemeno hackney
What is the "hackney"?
The Hackney is a breed of horse that originated in England and is known for its elegant movement and high-stepping gait. Developed in the 14th century as a carriage horse, the Hackney was bred for its stylish and flashy movement, making it a popular choice for parades, shows, and other public events. Hackneys typically stand between 14 and 16 hands high and have a compact, muscular build with a well-arched neck and a sloping shoulder. They are also known for their high energy and lively temperament, making them a favorite among show and performance riders. In addition to carriage driving and showing, Hackneys are also used in dressage, jumping, and other equestrian sports. They are intelligent, eager to please, and highly trainable, making them a versatile and enjoyable breed to work with.
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