stringer, podpěra schodiště
What is a "stringer"?
A stringer is a long, horizontal support beam in a staircase that runs along the sides, holding the treads and risers in place. It provides structural stability and helps distribute weight, ensuring the staircase is strong and safe to use. Stringers can be made from various materials, including wood, metal, or concrete, and can be visible or hidden, depending on the staircase design. In addition to their functional role, stringers can also contribute to the overall aesthetic of the staircase, as they may feature decorative shapes or finishes that enhance the appearance of the steps.
podélná výztuha, výztuž
montér, kabelář
člen týmu, hráč týmu
externí novinář, okrajový novinář
Who is a "stringer"?
A stringer is a freelance journalist or reporter who contributes stories or information to a news organization, usually on a temporary or irregular basis. Stringers are often hired to cover events or stories in specific locations where the news outlet does not have a permanent staff member. They may be paid per story or assignment rather than receiving a regular salary. Stringers can provide valuable local insights, especially in regions where a publication or station may not have full-time reporters. Their work helps news outlets cover more stories without maintaining a large staff.