Raw milk
surové mléko
a type of milk that has not undergone any pasteurization or homogenization processes
What is "raw milk"?
Raw milk refers to unpasteurized and unhomogenized milk that is obtained directly from animals, typically cows. It is milk in its purest form, straight from the udder, without undergoing any heat treatment or processing. Raw milk retains its natural composition of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria. However, it also carries potential health risks as it may contain harmful bacteria and pathogens. Due to these risks, raw milk is often consumed by those who prioritize its perceived nutritional benefits or engage in traditional food practices. It is important to note that the consumption of raw milk comes with certain safety considerations and regulations vary across different regions.
Raw milk is commonly used in certain traditional desserts, like rice pudding and flan.
The farmers ' market sells raw milk, which some people enjoy for its natural goodness.

Blízká Slova