অনুসন্ধান করুন
আদর্শবাদ, আদর্শিকতা
the belief in or pursuit of high principles, values, or ideals, often with a focus on the potential for perfection or improvement
His idealism led him to work for social change in his community.
Idealism can sometimes conflict with the harsh realities of life.
Her idealism inspired many to strive for a better world.
আদর্শবাদ, আদর্শবাদ
(philosophy) the belief that the physical world is either a product of the mind, or is entirely subjective and exists only in the mind
আদর্শবাদ, আদর্শিকতা
(literature or art) a style that shows perfect or transcendent ideas or things, instead of showing them in a realistic or natural way

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