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Golden fleece
সোনালী পশম, সোনালী চামড়া
a mythical artifact in Greek mythology, a symbol of kingship and authority, which Jason and the Argonauts set out to retrieve
What is the "Golden Fleece"?
The Golden Fleece is a legendary artifact from Greek mythology, known for its magical and powerful properties. It is the fleece of a winged ram that was sacrificed to the gods. The fleece was highly sought after and became the object of Jason and the Argonauts' quest. According to the myth, Jason was tasked with retrieving the Golden Fleece from the kingdom of Colchis, where it was guarded by a fierce dragon, in order to claim his rightful throne. The fleece symbolizes authority, kingship, and the pursuit of one's goals. It represents the challenges and adventures that come with striving for greatness in Greek tales.
golden fleece