অনুসন্ধান করুন
সাইমা, দ্বৈত বক্রতা কাঠামো
a double-curved molding profile featuring a concave upper curve and a convex lower curve, commonly used in classical and neoclassical architecture for decorative purposes
What is a "cyma"?
A cyma is a type of architectural molding that has a distinct S-shaped curve. It is often used at the top or bottom of columns, walls, or other architectural features to add decorative detail. There are two main types of cyma: the cyma recta, which has a rounded upper curve and a hollow lower curve, and the cyma reversa, which is the opposite, featuring a hollow upper curve and a rounded lower curve. These moldings contribute to the overall elegance and style of a building, enhancing its visual appeal while also helping to define different areas within the architecture.