অনুসন্ধান করুন
Chest pain
বুকের ব্যথা, বুকবন্ধি
any discomfort or pressure felt in the chest area, that can be because of heart issues, digestive problems, or muscle strain
What is "chest pain"?
Chest pain refers to any discomfort, pressure, or pain felt in the chest area, which includes the front of the chest and beneath the ribs. It can range from mild to intense and may be caused by various factors, including heart problems, digestive issues, lung conditions, muscle strain, anxiety, or other underlying health conditions. Chest pain can feel like a sharp, stabbing sensation, a dull ache, or a tightness or pressure in the chest. It is important to seek medical attention quickly if experiencing chest pain, especially if it is intense or accompanied by other symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, or sweating, as it could indicate a serious medical emergency.
Chest pain may be exacerbated by stress and anxiety in some individuals.
Chest pain associated with a heart attack may radiate to the left arm or jaw.
After a brisk walk, he experienced a sharp chest pain that subsided with rest.

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