অনুসন্ধান করুন
to turn up
[phrase form: turn]
বৃদ্ধি করা, উন্নতি করা
to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.
Transitive: to turn up a device or its operation
মোড়ানো, ভাঁজ করা
to lay something in a way that one part covers the other
Transitive: to turn up a fabric or paper
উপস্থিত হওয়া, মিল পাওয়া
to unexpectedly appear or be found
এবে, আসা
to arrive at a location or event, often unexpectedly and without prior notice
খুঁজে বের করা, পাওয়া
to find something or someone by actively searching a particular place or area
Transitive: to turn up sth
আবিষ্কার করা, উদ্ধার করা
to discover something by digging into the earth
Transitive: to turn up an artifact
গোটানো, মোটানো
to fold the bottom of a garment to make it shorter, typically by raising the hemline
Transitive: to turn up a garment
বাঁকানো, উঠানো
to fold or raise the edge of a piece of clothing
মড়ানো, বন্ধন করা
to fasten something to a fixed point, by wrapping it around and then looping it back on itself
Transitive: to turn up a cord or string around sth | to turn up a cord or string on sth
turn up
Can you turn up the radio?
In the cold months, we often have to turn up the thermostat.
I couldn't hear the music, so I turned up the volume on my headphones.
The soup wasn't heating up fast enough, so she turned up the stove.
It's getting chilly in the room, let's turn up the heating.