Frontal sinus
الجُيب الجَبَهيّ, الجيب الأمامي
a hollow space within the frontal bone of the skull that is filled with air
What is "frontal sinus"?
The frontal sinus is an air-filled cavity located within the frontal bone of the skull, specifically in the region above the eyes and behind the forehead. It is one of the paired paranasal sinuses and is lined with a mucous membrane. The frontal sinus helps to reduce the weight of the skull and contributes to the resonance of the voice. It is connected to the nasal cavity through a narrow passageway called the frontonasal duct. Inflammation or infection of the frontal sinus can result in symptoms such as facial pain, headache, and nasal congestion. Proper care and management of the frontal sinus are important for maintaining sinus health.

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