ختم الفيل, فيل البحر
What is an "elephant seal"?
The elephant seal is a large marine mammal known for its impressive size, distinctive appearance, and unique behaviors. Male elephant seals are among the largest seals, with some reaching up to 5,000 pounds in weight and over 20 feet in length. They have a distinctively large, trunk-like proboscis, which gives them their name, and they are known for their loud vocalizations and aggressive behavior during mating season. Female elephant seals are smaller in size, but still quite large compared to other seals. Elephant seals are known for their remarkable ability to dive deep and for long periods of time, often reaching depths of over a mile and staying underwater for several minutes. They feed primarily on fish and squid, and their large size and blubber reserves make them well adapted to life in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean.