Eager beaver
ذكي وإيجابي, مجتهد ومتحمس
an energetic and eager individual who is willing to work hard
What is the origin of the idiom "eager beaver" and when to use it?
The origin of the phrase "eager beaver" is believed to date back to the mid-20th century, specifically during World War II. It is thought to stem from the beaver's industrious nature and persistent work ethic. This idiom can be used to describe employees who are proactive and go above and beyond their regular duties, students who are highly motivated and actively participate in their studies, or anyone who consistently demonstrates a strong drive and eagerness to accomplish tasks or achieve goals.
John is an eager beaver when it comes to academics.
جون ذكي وإيجابي عندما يتعلق الأمر بالدراسة. إنه دائمًا يرفع يده في الصف، ويشارك في الأنشطة الخارجية، ويحقق دائمًا درجات عالية.
Sarah is such an eager beaver in the office.
سارة ذكية وإيجابية في المكتب. هي دائمًا أول من يصل وآخر من يغادر، تأخذ دائمًا مشاريع جديدة وتبذل جهدًا إضافيًا.

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