Student-centered learning
/stjˈuːdəntsˈɛntəd lˈɜːnɪŋ/
/stˈuːdəntsˈɛntɚd lˈɜːnɪŋ/
Student-centered learning
التعلم المرتكز على الطالب
an educational approach where the focus is on the needs, interests, and abilities of individual students
Student-centered learning promotes active engagement and ownership of learning outcomes among students.
In student-centered learning, students collaborate on projects and discussions, learning from each other's perspectives and experiences.
In student-centered learning, students drive their own education, choosing topics and methods that interest them.
Teachers in student-centered learning environments act as facilitators, guiding students rather than lecturing them.
Student-centered learning fosters independence and critical thinking as students take charge of their learning journey.