to pour one's heart out
to openly share one's thoughts and feelings with someone
What is the origin of the idiom "pour one's heart out" and when to use it?
The idiom "pour one's heart out" originated from the imagery of pouring liquid out of a container, symbolizing the act of expressing one's deepest emotions, thoughts, or concerns with great intensity and openness. It is used to refer to the act of speaking or sharing in an unrestrained and uninhibited manner, often in a cathartic or emotional way.
She sat with her best friend and poured her heart out, sharing the pain and sorrow she had been carrying for so long.
The singer poured her heart out on stage, delivering a powerful performance that moved the audience to tears.
During the late-night conversation, he poured his heart out to his partner, discussing his fears and insecurities with complete vulnerability.

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