the inflammation of the brain, often caused by viral infections, leading to symptoms such as fever, headache, and altered mental function
What is "encephalitis"?
Encephalitis is a condition where the brain becomes swollen, typically due to an infection or an autoimmune reaction. It can cause symptoms such as fever, headache, confusion, seizures, and in serious cases, coma or even death. Encephalitis requires immediate medical attention, and treatment may involve antiviral or anti-inflammatory medications, depending on the cause of the swelling. With timely treatment, many people with encephalitis can recover fully, although some may experience long-term complications such as memory problems or seizures.
Headache, sensitivity to light, and nausea are typical early symptoms of encephalitis.
The doctor diagnosed Mark with encephalitis after observing neurological symptoms such as seizures.
Jenny experienced confusion and a high fever, prompting concern for encephalitis, an inflammation of her brain.